Ik maak gebruik van Redis.
info in database gevonden voor '359'.
Opening profiler sock
Requesting file name
Got: {"Filename":"/tmp/profiler-data/PR-20250208-055635-qqUmKMTu"}
Requesting file name
Got: {"Filename":"/tmp/profiler-data/PR-20250208-055635-qqUmKMTu"}
(Re)initializing SQL
Called from: lib/include.inc:43
use sweatypants
OK. Rows = 0
Requesting file name
Got: {"Filename":"/tmp/profiler-data/PR-20250208-055635-qqUmKMTu"}
Requesting file name
Got: {"Filename":"/tmp/profiler-data/PR-20250208-055635-qqUmKMTu"}
Called from: lib/include.inc:861
SELECT i.imgId, i.image, i.size, i.width, i.height, i.`datetime`, i.root, i.album, i.filename, i.descr, IFNULL(i.descr,'') AS `desc`, t.tags, CONCAT(i.root,'/',i.album,'/tn_',i.filename) AS tn,CONCAT(i.root,'/',i.album,'/') AS path_to, CONCAT(i.root,'/',i.album,'/',i.filename) AS full_path, CONCAT('/var/www/vhosts/sweatypants.com/httpdocs/albums/content/',i.root,'/',i.album,'/descr.txt') AS descriptfile FROM sweatypants.imageId AS i LEFT JOIN sweatypants.imagetags AS t USING( imgId ) WHERE ( i.imgId IN( 0 ) OR i.image IN( '0' ) OR i.filename IN( '0' ) ) OR imgId > 0 ORDER BY `datetime` DESC
OK. Rows = 575
Called from: lib/include.inc:877
SET @rank = 0
OK. Rows = 0
Called from: lib/include.inc:878
SELECT imgId, average, sumvotes, numvotes, weight, root, album, filename, round( average, 1 ) AS average_rounded, @rank:=@rank+1 AS `position` FROM sweatypants.v_imagevotes ORDER BY weight DESC,filename
OK. Rows = 333
Called from: lib/include.inc:105
SELECT commentId,id,naam,bericht,datum,type FROM sweatypants.comments WHERE type != 'comment' AND `type` = 'image' ORDER BY type,datum DESC
OK. Rows = 51
Called from: lib/include.inc:106
SELECT commentId,id,naam,bericht,datum,type FROM sweatypants.comments WHERE type = 'comment' ORDER BY type,datum DESC
OK. Rows = 2
options: []
options: []
Called from: lib/sweepee.inc:942
SELECT * FROM song_extra WHERE `admin-only` = 0
OK. Rows = 13
cache read
Key: top2000-11111111-0207
Called from: lib/sweepee.inc:1845
SELECT mp3.mp3id, mp3.filesize, mp3.songid, mp3.sweepeesong, mp3.albumid, mp3.track, mp3.url, mp3.info, mp3.gepubliceerd, mp3.hash, s.id, s.title, s.artist, s.orgartist, s.writtenby,s. album, s.active, s.year, s.addDate, s.idee, s.slug, a.info AS albuminfo, IFNULL(a.title, '') AS albumtitle, IFNULL(a.mp3albumid,0) AS mp3albumid, IFNULL(a.year,0) AS albumyear, a.fsname FROM sweatypants.mp3 LEFT JOIN sweatypants.songinfo s ON( s.id = mp3.songid) LEFT JOIN sweatypants.mp3album a ON(a.mp3albumid = mp3.albumid) ORDER BY IFNULL(a.year, YEAR(NOW())) DESC, a.title, track, s.addDate DESC /* 0 */
OK. Rows = 60
Called from: lib/sweepee.inc:1585
SELECT s.id, s.id AS songId, s.title, s.artist, s.orgartist, s.writtenby, s.album, s.lyrics, s.`active`, s.`type`, s.`year`, s.addDate, IFNULL(s.toonsoort,'') AS toonsoort, s.idee, s.user, s.deleted, s.slug, COALESCE(`user`.`firstname`, ou.first_name) AS user_firstname, COUNT(ideevote.vote) AS votes, AVG(ideevote.vote) AS avg, COUNT(ideevote.vote)+avg(ideevote.vote) as weight, IFNULL(GROUP_CONCAT( song_top2000.year,':',song_top2000.rank ),'') AS top2000 FROM songinfo s LEFT JOIN sweatypants.`user` ON (`user`.`username` = s.user) LEFT JOIN sweatypants.oauth_users ou ON (ou.email = s.user) LEFT JOIN sweatypants.song_top2000 ON ( song_top2000.songId = s.id ) LEFT JOIN sweatypants.ideevote ON s.id = ideevote.songId WHERE s.id > 0 GROUP BY s.id ORDER BY s.artist,s.title
OK. Rows = 383
Called from: content/image.php:163
SELECT imgId, filename FROM sweatypants.imageId WHERE album='Plan-C Clash of the coverbands (16 november 2007)' AND root='Gigs' ORDER BY datetime
OK. Rows = 18
Called from: lib/include.inc:861
SELECT i.imgId, i.image, i.size, i.width, i.height, i.`datetime`, i.root, i.album, i.filename, i.descr, IFNULL(i.descr,'') AS `desc`, t.tags, CONCAT(i.root,'/',i.album,'/tn_',i.filename) AS tn,CONCAT(i.root,'/',i.album,'/') AS path_to, CONCAT(i.root,'/',i.album,'/',i.filename) AS full_path, CONCAT('/var/www/vhosts/sweatypants.com/httpdocs/albums/content/',i.root,'/',i.album,'/descr.txt') AS descriptfile FROM sweatypants.imageId AS i LEFT JOIN sweatypants.imagetags AS t USING( imgId ) WHERE ( i.imgId IN( 359 ) OR i.image IN( '359' ) OR i.filename IN( '359' ) ) ORDER BY `datetime` DESC
OK. Rows = 1
Called from: lib/include.inc:877
SET @rank = 0
OK. Rows = 0
Called from: lib/include.inc:878
SELECT imgId, average, sumvotes, numvotes, weight, root, album, filename, round( average, 1 ) AS average_rounded, @rank:=@rank+1 AS `position` FROM sweatypants.v_imagevotes ORDER BY weight DESC,filename
OK. Rows = 333